Monday, March 19, 2012

Hanging Out

Although most people had a week off last week enjoying the beach, sleeping late, and spending a whole week with their kiddos.... us non-teachers had to work ALL week :(. So this weekend we tried to make up for it and do a few fun things with the kids before they went back to school.

Anna came home Friday after work so we headed to Pizza Hut, Grocery Shopping, and Ice Cream

We take Flat Stanley everywhere!!!

Saturday, daddy had to work all day so me and the kids went to town for their Easter outfits and then came home to enjoy a picnic since it was such a beautiful day... of course they said it was too hot!!! They are going to be in for it when the temps are 95 and 100 degrees!!!

And Sunday was an absolute GREAT day!!!
Me and 2 others were baptized Sunday morning. God has really done amazing things in my life that has made a HUGE impact on my family and marriage!!!

On a more humorous note, my son has become obsessed with taking pictures with my phone and although I won't post all of the pics he has taken (since he sneeks up on all of us no matter where we are and what we are doing), here are a few that he has demanded we/he pose for. :)
 with his alligator
with his alligator and frog on his head
Frog on his shoulder

Having a 4 year old is definitely entertaining!!!

Thanks to pinterest, I have become a baking fool!!! Here is my latest recipe....
Casey and my family loved it!!! The icing is very tart (contains a whole pack of lemonade koolaid) but it will definitely be one to bake again (maybe this time with half a pack)!!!

Suprisingly, I have mine and both kids Easter oufits purchased. Mine will not be in till next week but that is much better than waiting till the day before Easter running from store to store (not that I have ever done that) :) I hope it looks as good on me as it does in the pic!!! Now I'm looking for a white hat to go with it!!!

Thanks Maurices!!!!

Have a great week!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Weekend Fun

This past Saturday was a mommy and son day filled with lots of fun with friends. Saturday morning we woke up and got ready for a special Spiderman Birthday Party for my friend Krissy's boy, Brandon. There were 5 spidermans at that party, including the one that I brought!!! It was such a blast!!!

 There is a better picture of us where we are ALL looking at the camera and smiling but it wasn't on my camera... I love that me and my 2 best friends from Elementary school still talk and can get together with our kiddos!!!!
Mine is the one all the way to the left :)
 I have Bryce's Flat Stanley so he attended the party with us!!!

Then, me and Cayson headed to meet some of our other friends, Ms. Amanda and Gracie Mae for a fun afternoon in Hattiesburg. Our plans were to eat at "The Kitchen" (aka Mexican Kitchen) and take the kids to see Lorax....

 silly faces!!!
 Well, our lunch took longer than expected so when we finally got to our 1:40 show right at 1:40, it was unfortuantely sold out... which meant 2 hysterical kids!!! Luckily, Ms. Amanda had a great idea that changed their tune real quick, SKATING!!!
But first, we had to stop by and pick up some extra "cool" Aviator sunglasses!!! :)
 i just love it!!!
I know in this picture it looks like he is doing great and really enjoying himself.... well, this was the 5 seconds of the trip that he wasn't either crying, on his rear, or attached to me. He was very upset that he didn't already know how to skate.... he thought it was something he should be a pro at (since Gracie was). I tried to explain that we have to keep practicing but he didn't care, he wanted them skates off as fast as I could take them off.
But......since Saturday, he has talked about skating every single day and assures me that he wants to try it again so that he can be "as good as Gracie". I wish I had a video of Gracie scooting around that rink... for her only to have skated twice in her whole life, she looked like a pro!!!

I am so blessed to have such great CHRISTIAN friends!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Space Tag

We had a "family night out" last night and decided to take advantage of the $3 game night at Space Tag. Me and Cayson went to a bday party there a couple weeks back and it was definitely a hit. I expected it to be crowded since the games are normally $7 a piece but we were lucky enough to play 2 games just the 5 of us. This will definitely be a reoccurring outing!!!
 waiting to go in

Just for the record, I ranked AHEAD of my husband BOTH games!!!! :)
Have a Great Weekend everyone!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


This is Cayson's new obsession....
He wants to wear his hair in a mohawk everyday... So far, we have been to school, church, and out to eat with a mohawk. He thinks its the coolest!!!

I am a little late in the game discovering this but this invention is pretty awesome....
The kids love it and you can get it REALLY cheap at your local DG!!!