Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Well, I finally decided that to share all my photos with the world, blogging will be my best bet. I have several friends that blog and I LOVE reading their post.... Mine will probably not be as interesting but I hope everyone enjoys all the photos of my wonderful little family!!! Here are a few pics from the month of October so far....

My 10 year class reunion..... Yes Im that old!!!

I couldn't not post this one... such a great picture of Jax and Cayson at Bryce's bday party.


 I don't recommend sponge painting at birthday parties... although the kids had a blast!!
 Yes, 5 of these girls spent the night at my house..... Next one will be in at least 5-10 years!!

Birthday breakfast.... honey bun with a candle!!!

Breast Cancer Walk (Making Strides)

I will be back this weekend with fair, pumpkin patch, and halloween pics!! Hope all of you have a great rest of the week!!!