Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Time!!

Lots of Christmas activities have been going on this past week and I absolutely LOVE it......

Saturday morning we got up early to have breakfast with Santa at Sanderson Farms. If you have never been, you need to plan to take your kids next year. It is wonderful!!! The Santa here is the "real" Santa according to Anna.... and I do have to say that he looks exactly like the "real" Santa description.

 (This is Brookes..... My good friend Paige's little boy)

(And this is her little girl Mary Bradley)

Then, Tuesday night we had Anna's Christmas program at school.... We had a little photo session before we left the house but I wasn't able to get any pictures of her during the performance because she was hidden behind a little boy on the back row due to her "stage fright"... or so she says!!!!
(So excited her hair stayed somewhat curled longer than 5 min!!)

 (yes these poses were all her!!!)

Thanks to my husband's GREAT idea.... I will be wrapping all of our presents this year with newspaper!!! So far, I think they are actually really cute and may continue this new tradition next year!!! It was Casey's idea but for some reason, I am the only one doing the work.....

 kinda proud of my bows!!!! its a little more time consuming but the end product is definetely worth the effort and the kids think its really cool..... so propts to Dad!!!!

Every year for Christmas, Valentines, and Easter I get little happies for Cayson and Anna's classes at school. Well, with 33 kids total it gets a little expensive so I got creative (and cheap) this year. Wednesday night, we made 33 bags of reindeer food for all their classmates. It was SO easy and the
kids actually got to do almost all of it!!!

Yesterday was my babies 1st Christmas program!!!!
Him and his class sang 5 songs then had their party. It was wonderful and mommy and daddy were so proud of him for actually singing all the way through all 5 songs..... Can't believe he will be in K5 next year!!!!

 (Oh how I just adore that big beautiful smile he has!!!!)

 (His cousin, Kayden)

(His girlfriend, Jaden)

Yesterday was also Pajama Day at EJE so Anna slept in the pajamas she was wearing to school!!!
(and don't forget that with pajamas comes slippers, blanket, and pillow)

Today was my big baby's Christmas party and unfortunately, I had to miss it :( .. Anna was not very happy about it and insisted that I choose my children over my work (yea that broke my heart!!! but her daddy was going so all was ok then). My work had our Christmas luncheon today at the same time as Anna's party so I made daddy take a few pictures for me.

 (Mrs. Sandy's last day was today :( !!!)
(Her best friend, Raine)

This is just a start to all the wonderful activities, programs, and family functions we will get to enjoy this holiday season. We have a HUGE family so I will be back after Christmas with lots to share.
Have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and amongst all the presents and food, remember the true meaning of Christmas.... Our Saviour, Jesus Christ's Birthday.... He is the REASON for this SEASON!!!

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